Homework Policy


Homework is an important part of the student’s total educational program and a natural extension of his/her instructional day.  Therefore, homework is considered one requirement for course completion.  Homework develops and fosters acceptance of responsibility for independent work and is a means to practice, prepare for, or extend the concepts and skills learned in the classroom.  The responsibility for homework must be jointly shared by students, teachers, parents, and administrators.

Objectives of Homework:

1. Students will develop good independent study habits by:

a.  setting aside time for study,

b.  organizing and planning for efficient use of time and resources,

c.  initiating tasks independently, and

d.  completing homework assignments.

2. Students will develop positive attitudes toward study beyond the school day by being:

a.  willing to initiate and complete assignments with minimal supervision,

b.  willing to spend more time on homework as they progress through the grade levels, and

c.  willing to pursue related academic interests outside of regular classroom assignments.

Teacher Responsibilities:

1. Inform parents by letter at beginning of school year of homework expectations, including specific details for assignment completion and consequences if student does not follow teacher directions.

2. Ensure assigned work is appropriate for the student’s general skill level.

3. Ensure that students clearly understand assignments and that pupils have been provided the instruction and practice to complete the assignments for the most part, independently.

4. Follow the guidelines under the heading entitled, “Time Allocation” (see below).

5. Coordinate with fellow teacher(s) to determine amount of assigned homework given at a specific time.  (This would apply to cooperative/departmentalized types of teaching).

6. Establish a deadline for turning in assignments.

7. Provide feedback/correction as soon as possible, especially if student does not honor deadlines.

8. Consult with parents and/or administration for corrective action as needed.

9. Recognize good work.

Student Responsibilities:

1. Listen carefully when instructions are given.

2. Ask the teacher for clarification if you do not understand the assignment.

3. Write the assignments in your Planner. Younger children may need to place prewritten assignments in individual homework folders.

4. Take home necessary materials to complete the assignment.

5. Use study area and time allocated for homework wisely both at school and at home.

6. Inform parents as early as possible whenever assignments call for activities involving other family members, or call for driving to another location.

7. Gather all completed assignments the night before and put them in a safe place; return to school with the assignments the next day.

8. Turn assignments in on time. Remember deadlines for long term projects. 

Parent Responsibilities:

1. Set aside a quiet and well lit study area and establish a specified time for the homework to be completed.

2. Explain or clarify the assignment as needed.

3. Encourage independent work completion and check for accuracy, but do not do assignment for student.

4. Recognize good work.

5. Review/check Student Planner DAILY and sign as directed by teacher.

6. If necessary, transport the child to places required by the assignment.

7. Contact the teacher if you have any concerns regarding your child and homework.

Time Allocation:

The amount of time and the degree of difficulty of homework assignments will vary from grade to grade, and for various subject areas.  The total time for homework assignments usually falls within the following ranges.  These are to be considered APPROXIMATE daily time guidelines:

Grade K...........................As needed

Grade 1-2....................15 - 30 minutes daily

Grade 3.......................30 - 60 minutes daily

Grade 4.........................45 - 60 minutes daily

Grade 5 - 6..................60 - 90 minutes daily

Homework is usually given Monday through Thursday.  Homework on weekends and holidays may be given at the teacher’s discretion.

Absentee Homework:

Students who are absent two or more days may have a parent or friend pick up the homework in the Office after school.  Parents must request homework assignments by 9 a.m. on the day of the request.